Summary “Explore how David Baker, Demis Hassabis, and John Jumper won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their advances in computer-assisted protein design.” Video: How AI Cracked the Protein Folding Code and Won a …
Year: 2024
Free NIH BioART 2D and NIH 3D
Summary The NIH offers 2D bioart ( with a public domain license, and collections of 3D models ( Free 2D Bio Art The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one of the 27 …
AlphaFold2 with ColabFold in Container
Summary Run the ColabFold version of AlphaFold2 on your laptop (slow without GPU) or on a large Linux cluster. The full tutorial with scripts is located at ColabFold with HTCondor What is AlphaFold2 Excerpt from …
R and Python workshops on Campus – Fall 2024
Summary Workshop Series available on Campus on R and Python. (For more details see further below.) – Biochem – Social Science Computing Cooperative (SSCC) – UW Libraries – SSteenbock Library Workshops – Computational Biology, Ecology, …
No GUI PyMOL – computing distances for thousands of PDB files from Rosetta
Summary We run a script to compute the distance between 2 atoms in a series of PDB files with identical molecules in different conformations and save the distance results into a plain text file. No …
Python NumPy 2.0 incompatibilities
Summary The new Numpy 2.0 is not compatible with many other packages, as I discovered after many lost hours. The final Docker images can be downloaded from alleleanalyzer. NumPy in a Docker I was interested …
Environmental Health Tabular data analysis with R and Tidyverse
R and Tidyverse Tabular Data Analysis I have updated the Tabular data analysis with R and Tidyverse course that analyze environmental health data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) a survey research program …
Webinar Data visualisation principles for enhancing effective scientific communication
“Data visualisation principles for enhancing effective scientific communication” Webinar Announcement: “Live Training” This webinar will provide an introduction to data visualisation principles. It includes a review of basic concepts and showcases tools to improve your …
PyMOL and Biological Units from REMARK 350
Summary Compute biological assembly from coordinates with a python script. Symmetry X-ray crystallography solved the mathematical problem to provide 3D (cartesian) coordinates but the resulting “asymmetric unit cell” does not necessarily represent the biological structure. …
New Tutorial Section: Computational Modeling
Computational Modeling This is the general title of a new Tutorials pull-down menu that will be populated with new or updated tutorials. It can be found within the Tutorials menu list as Computational Modeling The …