Access these pages either with the menu at right, or by browsing below. Each page will provide tutorial materials in various formats.
Here is an alternate source to learn Unix/Linux bash
command line, as described in my Blog entry: A great Unix tutorial suitable for beginners.
*nix Tutorials - Survival Command Line
There is a lot of power to be had from command line but it can be daunting. This very short, about 1 hour workshop, captures the most helpful commands for a casual use of the Terminal. This would be useful for e.g. those wanting to use Docker. TUTORIAL – Survival command line (last updated: December 3,…
*nix Tutorials - bash basics
Background This series of tutorials are about learning bash the interactive command-line in a Unix-style operating system (Linux or Macintosh, or Windows with added software.) … This workshop is meant to learn and understand basic line commands as they are typed on a text terminal.…
*nix Tutorials - SBGrid
Background SBGrid provides structural biology laboratories with a tested and refined software infrastructure that includes a large library of scientific applications on Linux and MacOS X computers. Some software are accessed with the bash interactive command-line. Note: SBGrid provides a unifed working framework. However, a large number of software is open source and also available…
*nix Tutorials - HTCondor
Background HTCondor is a scheduler system for running batch jobs in distributing computing on large scale computing clusters or grids that enable scientists and engineers to increase their computing throughput. ( See more at What is HTCondor?) Use of the Biochemistry cluster requires using HTCondor to schedule non-interactive jobs. As such knowledge of the bash…