SBGrid provides structural biology laboratories with a tested and refined software infrastructure that includes a large library of scientific applications on Linux and MacOS X computers. Some software are accessed with the
interactive command-line.
Note: SBGrid provides a unifed working framework. However, a large number of software is open source and also available elsewhere.
UW-Madison Biochemistry has licensed SBGrid. This software is licensed for
regular use by Crystallography Core, Butcher, Fox, Holden, Markley, Mitchell,
Raman and Rayment Labs. All other users may use the software for informational
use only. If you use the software regularly or will publish any data utilizing
this software please contact IT to have your lab added.
Access to this software is licensed for ACADEMIC USE ONLY, this software may
not be used in any for-profit work!
SBGrid was developed with support from its members, Harvard Medical School,
HHMI, and NSF. If use of SBGrid compiled software was an important element
in your publication, please include the following reference in your work:
Software used in the project was installed and configured by SBGrid.
cite: eLife 2013;2:e01456, Collaboration gets the most out of software.