Summary Run the ColabFold version of AlphaFold2 on your laptop (slow without GPU) or on a large Linux cluster. The full tutorial with scripts is located at ColabFold with HTCondor What is AlphaFold2 Excerpt from …
AlphaFold2 with full databases and multimer option
Summary This article describes running AlphaFold2 with full databases at the UW-Madison Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC) and is part of an article series titled Five ways to run AlphaFold. CHTC cluster, HTCondor, Containerization …
AlphaFold code
DeepMind and Google have created a method to access the code on GitHub. All the details to install AlphaFold locally are on the “readme” page, visible on the lower portion of the GitHub page ColabFold (See my Blog: Google colab is a free cloud notebook environment).
AlphaFold background
Predicting protein three-dimensional (3D) structures given a linear sequence of amino acids. The AlphaFold2 breakthrough.