Summary Molecule of the Month In the year 2000 David Goodsell started to provide stories on the The Protein Data Bank web site as the “molecule of the month” with his unique style that was …
PyMOL Stereo viewing
PyMOL Stereo viewing PyMOL can display stereo in many ways. Unless special equipment is available, the method is to split the PyMOL 3D view area in two with the command stereo on (and stereo …
AlphaFold – How to interpret structures
3D Protein structure prediction (4) This YouTube video from the European Bioinformatics Institute – EMBL-EBI webinar was recorded on 08 September 2021 This webinar will introduce AlphaFold system for prediction and interpretation of protein structures. …
AlphaFold – run from ChimeraX
The new ChimeraX menu “Tools > Structure Prediction > AlphaFold” provides a simple interface to run AlphaFold2 Colab that does not require the user to know how to use a Jupyter Notebook.
AlphaFold background
Predicting protein three-dimensional (3D) structures given a linear sequence of amino acids. The AlphaFold2 breakthrough.