Virusworld. was hosted since its inception at the Institute for Molecular Virology in 1993/1994 at the dawn of the World Wide Web and was retired on the first week of July 2022. I was …
bioinformatics tutorials
June 26, 2020. I have added a new entry under the “Tutorials” menu for “bioinformatics” to provide a place for tutorials that are more than just about one subject. “bioinformatics is the science of …
Covid-19 protein structures movie
I previously wrote a small booklet using PyMOL to illustrate PyMOL scripting methods and highlight some SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) protein structures. These are explored closely in the following movie. The video below depicts COVID-19 protein structures …
More Covid-19 Coloring Books
My little Covid-19 coloring book last month was very well received and was even reported in the CALS eNewsletter on April 17. Other people had similarly been inspired so here is a list of “More Covid-19 …
FREE Comics – World of Viruses
World of Viruses “World of Viruses comics” from the University of Nebraska are available free on-line as PDF or for reading online. A nice way to educate oneself and younger ones while seemingly having fun! …
Covid-19 Coloring Book and PyMOL scripts book
Update 1: reported in the CALS eNewsletter on April 17 [Archived May 2, 2020] Update 2: I compiled a table with more Covid-19 coloring books from other inspired sources. Friday, April 10, 2020 (“Good Friday”) …
Docker saves the day – Roadmaps – rivem
Docker saves the day! Here is a great example of how Docker can help save a NATURE paper! Summary: Problem: Professor wants to use a specific virology program called rivem (links below.) However, this only works …
Principios de Virología books are online
A small chapter At the turn of the Century (from XX to XXI) I was invited to write a small chapter on the visualization of virus structure for a book that would be published in …