Principios de Virología books are online

A small chapter

At the turn of the Century (from XX to XXI) I was invited to write a small chapter on the visualization of virus structure for a book that would be published in Spanish called “Principios de Virología” by Professor Jorge Ossa Londoño (CV) from the Universidad de Antioquia. (His UW Alumni Profile “Jorge Ossa MS’75” is only available as an archive: 2000, 2002.)

I first wrote the text in English that was later translated by Hernando Duque who was in the Palmenberg lab at the time or perhaps already at Plum Island, working with the USDA on Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV – images).

My chapter was titled “Visualización de la partícula viral.” (Download PDF. Download archived PDF)

virus portraits in "Principios de Virología. Tercera edición"
virus portraits in “Principios de Virología. Tercera edición”

I recently found that this (3rd) edition of the book is now online, courtesy of “Biogénesis” the book publisher from that University:

In this chapter I included an updated “family portrait” of virus structures that I originally created for the Encyclopedia of Virology Plus CD-ROM. (Edited by Robert G. Webster and Allan Granoff. 1995 Academic Press) which did not have the colored background to distinguish animal (red,) plant (green,) and bacterial (blue) virus structures.

In turn this image was an inspiration for a post-card given at participants of the Madison-hosted 2001 “American Society for Virology” ASV meeting: 2001 postcard portrait with the Monona Terrace in the background. Other postcards were also offered, that of a stereo view of the poliovirus type 3 particle was originally in the Principios de Virología book chapter (poliovirus 3 stereo postcard.)

This portrait was again a source of inspiration for a much larger version used as the dinner “place mat” for the Madison-hosted 2006 and 25th Anniversary of the ASV meeting: dinner place mat portrait.

Previous book editions exist and are also online, with different authors, editors and focus subjects.

The first two editions had a medical focus:

The fourth edition, Principios de Virología. Cuarta edición.(2008) retains medically relevant subjects such as pathogenesis, antivirals and immunology.

Professor Ossa

Professor Ossa also wrote about the philosophical aspect of University life as detailed in his book “Para soñar y construir la universidad” (“To dream and build the university”, in Spanish, downloadable link.) He was co-authored a historical recounting of the University in Colombia in this archived page: “Algunos aspectos de la Universidad Colombiana en la década de los 80 Y de los 90” (“Some aspects of the Colombian University in the 80’s and 90’s”, article in Spanish.)

February 9th, 2021 – links updated
March 30th, 2021 – links updated; Added Professor Ossa paragraph