Virusworld. was hosted since its inception at the Institute for Molecular Virology in 1993/1994 at the dawn of the World Wide Web and was retired on the first week of July 2022. I was …
memory blog
Wayback Machine – finding lost web pages
Summary There is a vast archive of free content on the Internet Archive and web pages and documents preserved since about 1996 on the Wayback Machine that allows finding and retrieving web pages and documents that have …
Principios de Virología books are online
A small chapter At the turn of the Century (from XX to XXI) I was invited to write a small chapter on the visualization of virus structure for a book that would be published in …
33 years at UW-Madison
Blog series This June 2019 marked my 33 years at UW-Madison when I joined Prof. Paul Kaesberg‘s lab as a PostDoc to learn the then new methods of “cloning and sequencing” (i.e. Sanger sequencing.) In …