Summary We run a script to compute the distance between 2 atoms in a series of PDB files with identical molecules in different conformations and save the distance results into a plain text file. No …
Install Local Docker Desktop on macOS without Admin
NOT FOR USE AT UW SYSTEMS Important note (oct 07, 2024): changes in the licensing of Docker Desktop has changed. It is no longer recommended to UW personnel to download Docker Desktop to install Docker. …
Interactive bioinformatics tutorials
Summary provides interactive tutorials for exploring bioinformatics command-line tools within a web browser. Bioinformatics When people ask “what is bioinformatics” I have to pause. When I named a computer “bioinformatics” at the dawn of …
Using Docker containers on Biochemistry Linux Cluster
Summary A short example on running software within a Docker container on a Linux cluster. Since the software is installed within the container no installation is necessary. The computation can be scaled to accommodate large …
Fast Sequence Composition
Sequence Composition: fast shell method Motivation This post was inspired to “verify” a Python Script meant to compute the sequence composition of amino acids, as suggested by ChatGPT. (See ChatGPT_Protein_Composition.ipynb, or viewer ChatGPT_Protein_Composition.ipynb.) The code …
Magic-BLAST analysis of NextGen Reads
NCBI Magic-BLAST Workshop The intermediate level workshop Analyzing & Visualizing NextGen Reads with Magic-BLAST – [Archived] is designed for biologists who are comfortable working with the command-line (bash) and who are interested in performing some early …
PATH: the overlooked crucial variable
What is PATH There are many technical definitions that can be found, but in simple terms, PATH is a list of directories.The listed directories will contain the software that run on the computer, including the …
Understanding Python installation mess
Summary Useful ramblings about the difficulties to understand Python installation on macOS. In this Tutorial-like post we’ll see: – Where is Python installed, and which version – Upgrading to a new version, without replacement …
Accessing BOX on macOS with command line
UW personnel has access to Box, a cloud drive to store documents. While the older “Box Sync” application kept a copy of every file and folder on the local computer, the newer “box drive” …
Learn X in Y minutes
Learn X in Y minutes In the past we had “flash cards” to memorize and review materials. This site Learn X in Y minutes has one-page reminders that can be used to re-learn material or …