Install Local Docker Desktop on macOS without Admin


Important note (oct 07, 2024): changes in the licensing of Docker Desktop has changed.
It is no longer recommended to UW personnel to download Docker Desktop to install Docker.

Changes will take effect on November 14th, 2024.

The before Nov 14th and after Nov 14th pricing would seem to imply that the personal version is “For new developers and/or students getting started with containers.”  However, that might only apply to students downloading from home as all UW IP addressed are collected. However, this phrasing is not repeated “as is” within the new pricing description that is only listing “what does not change” and “what changes” without addressing “WHO” this applies to with clear words.

Therefore, the following alternative is now suggested: Podman which offers a system that is compatible with native Docker images and also has a Podman Desktop software that has a similar interface as Docker Desktop.

Once the software is installed (see below) commands such as docker run can be replaced with podman run.

– Download:
– Installation:
– Tutorials:
– Video tutorial: Podman Tutorial Zero to Hero | Full 1 Hour Course

This original post is left here for information only as it may help others in their own institution.
However, since Podman can be installed without Admin privilege, it may be a better option to switch to that software in the end.




Instructions to install Docker on macOS for which user does not have Admin privileges. These instructions are meant for iMacs in Biochem 201 but should work on any Mac.

Cargo boat and Docker logo.


  1. Download Docker Desktop from
  2. Create local Applications directory and copy Docker App within
  3. Launch and uncheck options requiring admin password during set-up

Optional: register with Docker


Detailed instructions “Install Docker Desktop on macOS without Admin” with many screen illustrations are available from the following links:



Docker Tutorials

Tutorials for using Docker can be found at:

Docker tutorials (on this site)

Introduction to Docker (beta lesson from Software Carpentry.)

Windows users

As far as I understand Windows users need Admin at least the first time Docker Desktop is installed, and the user can later be “authorized” to using it.

More advanced Windows users may prefer to run Docker within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) which does require more command-line experience. The following installation tutorial may be useful:

Image credits: container ship left box by Pixabay artist dendoktoor.