Summary A tool to create a BibTeX entry for online articles or blogs. Generate BibTeX from URL This is a follow-up on 6 “Episode”” in previous posts titled “Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown…” In …
Jupytext 2-way reformat of Jupyter notebooks
Jupytext can save and reformat Jupyter notebooks I was trying to test a Jupyter notebook from NCBI titled “Getting Started with NCBI Data in Python” (March 2, 2022) that is now on a “Binder” web …
Learn Markdown – Episode 6. Convert Word to Markdown with pandoc
Summary Pandoc is a document converter for multiple type of files. Converting example Format conversion is a chore that often takes a lot of time. I recently wanted to convert a long MSWord document into …
Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown – Episode 5. BibTeX interface for PubMed
Summary A web site to create BibTex entries for bibliography in R Markdown. R and Markdown This is a follow-up on 4 “Episodes” in previous posts titled “Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown…” To add …
Learn X in Y minutes
Learn X in Y minutes In the past we had “flash cards” to memorize and review materials. This site Learn X in Y minutes has one-page reminders that can be used to re-learn material or …
Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown – Episode 3, Academic writing
Academic writing with Markdown The origin of Markdown was a simple editing process to export web pages in HTML. In Episode 1 we learned that (original) Markdown has a simple syntax for enhancing text with rich …
Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown – Episode 2
In Episode 1: Markdown is easy we saw how Markdown can simplify and streamline the creation of documents while working in easily readable plain text. In this episode we’ll explore: Markdown variations Markdown (free) software …
Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown – Master it in 10 minutes!
Episode 1: Markdown is easy, keeps things simple Markdown is… Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax that incorporates rich text elements while retaining the ease and readability of plain text. Why learn Markdown? Markdown …