Learn X in Y minutes
In the past we had “flash cards” to memorize and review materials. This site Learn X in Y minutes has one-page reminders that can be used to re-learn material or get some idea of what the subject is about.
For example I wrote a series of 4 posts titled Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown. By going to the XY site the reader will find a whole page with easy to understand examples of markdown: learnxinyminutes.com/docs/markdown with code that is easy to copy paste.
Not all pages are easy to follow if the reader does not know the subject. But it is clearly a quick way to access commands not easily memorized. One that I know I ‘ll use is the page for the version-control program git.
Many pages are available as translation in various languages: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Chinese… But not all pages are available as translation for all languages.
Overall this is a “neat” web site to quickly remind oneself of things previously known but forgotten or hard to remember.
The title entries are summarized in the following tables in the 3 categorical entries, the most abundant being computer languages. Find the links at learnxinyminutes.com.
Algorithms & Data Structures |
Asymptotic Notation |
Dynamic Programming |
Lambda Calculus |
Set theory |
asciidoc | bc | bf | c |
c# | c++ | chapel | CHICKEN |
clojure | clojure macros | COBOL | coffeescript |
coldfusion | Common Lisp | Coq | crystal |
css | cypher | D | dart |
Dhall | docker | Easylang | edn |
elisp | elixir | Elm | erlang |
F# | factor | forth | Fortran |
GDScript | Go | Groovy | Hack |
haml | Haskell | haxe | hdl |
HQ9+ | html | hy | Inform7 |
Janet | java | javascript | json |
jsonnet | Julia | kdb+ | kotlin |
latex | LB Stanza | LDPL | less |
Lisp Flavoured Erlang(LFE) | LiveScript | Logtalk | LOLCODE |
Lua | M (MUMPS) | markdown | Matlab |
mercury | MIPS Assembly | MongoDB | montilang |
moonscript | neat | Nim | nix |
Objective C | OCaml | OCaml(gr) | Paren |
Pascal | PCRE | perl | PHP |
Pod | pogoscript | processing | prolog |
protocol buffers | Pug | purescript | Python |
Python 2 (legacy) | Q# | R | racket |
Raku | reason | Red | restructured text (RST) |
ruby | Rust | sass | Scala |
self | Sing | SmallBASIC | Smalltalk |
Solidity | SQL | Standard ML | stylus |
swift | Tcl | Texinfo | textile |
toml | TypeScript | uxntal | vala |
Vimscript | Visual Basic | Vyper | WebAssembly |
whip | wolfram | xml | yaml |
amd | AngularJS | ansible |
awk | bash | cmake |
compojure | composer | DirectX 9 |
emacs | fish | git |
jquery | linker | make |
Mercurial | messagepack | OpenCV |
OpenGL | p5 | powershell |
PyQT | Qt Framework | raylib |
ruby ecosystem | ShutIt | Statistical Computing with Python |
tcsh | tmux | vim |
zfs |
Credits: scrabble letters