Summary The new Numpy 2.0 is not compatible with many other packages, as I discovered after many lost hours. The final Docker images can be downloaded from alleleanalyzer. NumPy in a Docker I was interested …
Next Gen Sequencing
Interactive bioinformatics tutorials
Summary provides interactive tutorials for exploring bioinformatics command-line tools within a web browser. Bioinformatics When people ask “what is bioinformatics” I have to pause. When I named a computer “bioinformatics” at the dawn of …
Using Docker containers on Biochemistry Linux Cluster
Summary A short example on running software within a Docker container on a Linux cluster. Since the software is installed within the container no installation is necessary. The computation can be scaled to accommodate large …
Programming for Biology – Cold Spring Harbor
Programming for Biology 2019 The famous Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory offers many courses, the course Programming for Biology 2019 was held in October 2019 and this specific course generously offers the course materials online on this …