R and Python workshops on Campus – Fall 2024



Workshop Series available on Campus on R and Python. (For more details see further below.)

– Biochem
– Social Science Computing Cooperative (SSCC)
– UW Libraries – SSteenbock Library Workshops
– Computational Biology, Ecology, & Evolution (ComBEE) Study Groups

R and Python at Biochem

R and Python “Clubs” were established in late 2022.
The Python Club is currently closed but may be restarted in a new format. Minutes and scripts from the sessions are available online: beginners, intermediate_advanced, communication.

The R-Club has met continously for over a year. Will resume after the Summer pause.
Minutes and scripts from the sessions are available online: R-studygroup

New in-house workshops will be available soon.

Steenbock Library Workshops

See details on announcement page: Learn how to analyze data using Python and/or R programming languages (via Zoom) for details on each workshop.
Below is a summary for dates and registration links for R and Python series.
Open to all UW-Madison students, faculty, and staff.
Registration required:
Registration is by workshop, not for the entire series.

Date & Time Topic: R programming Register
Friday, September 20, 10am-12pm  R Basics (Closed – Class Full) go.wisc.edu/mwzmu0
Friday, September 27, 10am-12pm  R Basics (repeat) https://go.wisc.edu/ios5k1
Friday, October 4, 10am-12pm Data Wrangling https://go.wisc.edu/zx7b11
Friday, October 11, 10am-12pm  Data Visualization https://go.wisc.edu/3480bq
Friday, October 18, 10am-12pm  Reports https://go.wisc.edu/s52531
Friday, October 25, 10am-12:30pm  README Files in RStudio https://go.wisc.edu/23sblv
Date & Time Topic: python programming Register
Tuesday, September 17, 10am-12pm Introduction (Closed – Class Full) go.wisc.edu/wwsod8
Tuesday, September 24, 10am-12pm Introduction (repeat) https://go.wisc.edu/ah44bj
Tuesday, October 1, 10am-12pm Python Programming: Loops, Lists, and Functions https://go.wisc.edu/ay0m55
Tuesday, October 8, 10am-12pm Python Programming: Spreadsheets and Data Manipulation https://go.wisc.edu/x0q10i
Tuesday, October 15, 10am-12pm Python Programming: Data Visualization with Seaborn https://go.wisc.edu/uto86g


Social Science Computing Cooperative (SSCC)

See complete listing at https://sscc.wisc.edu/sscc_jsp/training/
Note: Intro sessions are one date while wrangling sessions are multiple dates.
Location is 3218 Sewell Social Sciences or as detailed in the links.

This semester most of the in-person training occurs in August and September, (see training listing.)

However, the SSCC offers both classes and an online curriculum you can work through on your own. View the class schedule and register below, or visit the online curriculum for Stata, R, and Python tutorials.

R training materials

R with RStudio Basics Data Wrangling R Workshops
Quick introduction to the basics of R, using RStudio.

  1. Writing and Running Commands
  2. Finding the Results
  3. Saving Commands and Results
  4. Saving Output Automatically
  5. R Language Elements
  6. R as a Calculator
  7. Using Help
  8. Using Functions
  9. Using Packages
  10. Next Steps
Process of preparing data for analysis.

  1. Defining Data
  2. Wrangling Vectors
  3. Wrangling Data Frames
  4. Restructuring with Base R
  5. Restructuring with the tidyverse
  6. Formulas
Cover a variety of topics needed by many but not all researchers.

  1. Data Visualization in R with ggplot2
  2. Creating Shiny Apps
  3. Introduction to Web Scraping with R
  4. Regression Diagnostics with R

Python training materials

Data Wrangling Materials
Data Wrangling is the process of preparing data for analysis, which includes importing, cleaning, recoding, restructuring, combining, and anything else data needs before it can be analyzed. Data wrangling is a critical skill for research. This course teaches wrangling skills, mostly using the data wrangling tools of the Pandas package in Python. Pandas is a collection of functions/methods for working with data comparable to R’s tidyverse.

This course will cover importing data, cleaning data, creating and transforming variables, merging data, and basic data visualization. It is a hands-on class with time devoted to practicing using these tools to ready data for analysis.

  1. Introduction
  2. Python Fundamentals
  3. Introduction to DataFrames
  4. Reading Data
  5. First Steps With Your Data
  6. Hierarchical Data
  7. Combining Data Sets
  8. Restructuring Data Sets

Data Science Hub

The Data Science Hub collect a larger set of training material list on: datascience.wisc.edu/training-resources/ that also include workshops offered as Software Carpentry or Data Carpentry options.

Most workshops are offered online.

The easiest way to be informed is to subscribe to their newsletter.

Coding Meet-up

A very useful option is the free Coding Meetup help: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30–4:30 p.m. CT.

Come to Coding Meetup to ask questions about tools you learn about, how to apply coding tools to your work, troubleshoot coding bugs, or anything else related to your data or code. We also welcome additional helpers at Coding Meetup, if you’d like to help answer questions that come up.

ComBEE Study Groups

The Computational Biology, Ecology, & Evolution (ComBEE) is a group of researchers at UW-Madison interested in computational biology in ecology and evolution. There are study groups: one for R and one for Python, plus a monthly meeting on different topics related to biology.

Location: Microbial Sciences Building (MSB) 1550 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706-1521

Image Credits: Background image by pixabay artist tungnguyen0905. Cartoon 3D bar plot by pixabay artist Peggy_Marco