New Tutorial Section: Computational Modeling

Illustration for Computational Modeling
Credit: Copilot

Computational Modeling

This is the general title of a new Tutorials pull-down menu that will be populated with new or updated tutorials. It can be found within the Tutorials menu list as Computational Modeling

The very first tutorial is the result of an update to a Rosetta tutorial for “ligand docking” and adapt the Linux-based version to run jointly on a Docker container and on the M-series “Silicon” chips on the Macintosh.

The first version was published as a blog for convenience as Rosetta Ligand Docking – Help with Docker conveying most commands but, for brevity, does not contain all of the original wording.

In summary:

Computational Modeling is a full Tutorials menu selection, also on “All Tutorials” page
– The new Docker+Mac tutorial is on page Rosetta – Ligand Docking
– More will be added