Learn X in Y minutes In the past we had “flash cards” to memorize and review materials. This site Learn X in Y minutes has one-page reminders that can be used to re-learn material or …
AlphaFold – How to interpret structures
3D Protein structure prediction (4) This YouTube video from the European Bioinformatics Institute – EMBL-EBI webinar was recorded on 08 September 2021 This webinar will introduce AlphaFold system for prediction and interpretation of protein structures. …
AlphaFold – run from ChimeraX
The new ChimeraX menu “Tools > Structure Prediction > AlphaFold” provides a simple interface to run AlphaFold2 Colab that does not require the user to know how to use a Jupyter Notebook.
AlphaFold code
DeepMind and Google have created a method to access the code on GitHub. All the details to install AlphaFold locally are on the “readme” page, visible on the lower portion of the GitHub page ColabFold (See my Blog: Google colab is a free cloud notebook environment).
R & Python workshops – Winter 2022
Summary (Free) Steenbock Library: R and python series (Free) SSCC (Social Science Computing Cooperative): SSCC Training Classes (low cost for UW) Software Carpentry: Software Carpentry @ UW-Madison Low cost registration ends January 5, 2022 See …
R and Python workshops – Fall 2021
Summary Check the Calendar listing for data analysis workshops links and registration forms. Steenbock and SSCC workshops (Free) Steenbock Library: R series and Python series (Free) SSCC (Social Science Computing Cooperative): SSCC Training Classes Library …
Google colab is a free cloud notebook environment
Introduction Google Colab is a free cloud-based service that allows the execution of Python code using the Jupyter Notebook format. It is possible to use and install new python libraries. Furthermore it is possible to …
Data Analysis Workshops Winter 2021
SUMMARY: Check calendar for Free “R” and “Python” workshops (Steenbock Library.) “Introduction to R with RStudio,” “Data Wrangling in R” (SSCC – Social Science Computing Cooperative.) “Automating Tasks with the Unix Shell,” “Data Management with SQL,” “R: introduction / visualization / reports” (Software Carpentry through UW-Madison Data Science (fees apply).)
Data Analysis Workshops Fall 2020
SUMMARY: Check calendar for Free “R” and “Python” workshops (Steenbock Library.) “Introduction to R with RStudio,” “Data Wrangling in R” (SSCC – Social Science Computing Cooperative.) “Automating Tasks with the Unix Shell,” “Data Management with SQL,” “Introduction to Docker” (Software Carpentry through UW-Madison Data Science (fees apply).)
How To Think Like a Computer Scientist and other FREE “Think books”
I regularly roam the Internet in search of solutions to simple questions and often find the answers in sites such as stackoverflow.com, biostars.org or similar forums. Once in a while I find interesting, free materials, …