Summary Computing a PNG image for each of 1,000 PDB file as a cartoon, color-coded by B factor. PyMOL without GUI PyMOL is routinely used by Biologists to illustrate molecules, using the graphical user interface …
Using Docker containers on Biochemistry Linux Cluster
Summary A short example on running software within a Docker container on a Linux cluster. Since the software is installed within the container no installation is necessary. The computation can be scaled to accommodate large …
Five ways to run AlphaFold
What is AlphaFold AlphaFold can accurately predict 3D models of protein structures by providing an amino acid sequence. (Ref: Deep Mind.) The AlphaFold network directly predicts the 3D coordinates of all heavy atoms for a …
Centralizing R & Python Data Projects: Posit Cloud Essentials Event
Cloud event Users of RStudio may be interested in this monthly event presented by “Posit” which is the new name of the company that produces RStudio, as the software can be used with many more …
R and Python workshops on Campus – Fall 2023
Summary Workshop Series available on Campus on R and Python: Biochem SSCC UW Libraries R and Python at Biochem R and Python “Clubs” were established in late 2022. The Python Club is currently closed but …
AlphaFold2 on Macintosh M1
Summary This post is a summary of installation of AlphaFold2 onto a Macintosh with an M1 style (arm64) computer chip (i.e. not an Intel/AMD Chip.) This post started with the blog post Installing Alphafold2 on …
Augmented Reality of Molecules – episode 1
What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality (AR) is an exciting technology that overlays virtual elements on top of the real world, allowing for a unique and immersive user experience. The Apple AR platform only uses …
Jupytext 2-way reformat of Jupyter notebooks
Jupytext can save and reformat Jupyter notebooks I was trying to test a Jupyter notebook from NCBI titled “Getting Started with NCBI Data in Python” (March 2, 2022) that is now on a “Binder” web …
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology – 2022 proceedings
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology – in Madison The International Society for Computational Biology (ISMB) Conference held the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) in Madison in July 2022. Conference details are still available online, but …
Fast Sequence Composition
Sequence Composition: fast shell method Motivation This post was inspired to “verify” a Python Script meant to compute the sequence composition of amino acids, as suggested by ChatGPT. (See ChatGPT_Protein_Composition.ipynb, or viewer ChatGPT_Protein_Composition.ipynb.) The code …