Cloud event
Users of RStudio may be interested in this monthly event presented by “Posit” which is the new name of the company that produces RStudio, as the software can be used with many more languages beyond R, including Python. This event will occur monthly online on the last Tuesday of every month. Next occurrence is August 29, 2023 11am-12pm:
Posit is hosting their second Posit Cloud Essentials event August 29 (11am-12pm CDT) which will focus on managing data projects with spaces in Posit Cloud.
This will be helpful for anyone working with R and Python data projects looking for a centralized, efficient space to manage them.
The presentation will be held on YouTube with a live Q&A at the end.
No registration is required to attend – simply add it to your calendar using
The link to access the upcoming episode or to see previous episodes: YouTube
No registration is required to join the events. Simply add the event to your calendar using the link below.
Create a free Posit Cloud account →
Add the event to your calendar →
NOTE: My understanding is that there is at least a free tier option.
UW-Madison Campus Additional Option
The software RSudio Connect is similar or identical and can already be requested for large project with UW IT
Top: image composit from pixabay images (Cloud background, Clouds+numbers, Cloud+human.)