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Data exploration in R with Tidyverse dplyr – part 1 – overview

Summary Part 1: A general overview of the dplyr package for data exploration and manipulation to summarize or extract information. Part 2: Next post will provide worked examples.     1 Motivation The Biochemistry R Club is following …

Foundational concepts to understand AI: free online curricula

Summary Alignment Course is an online curriculum that provides materials in a useful order to learn fundamentals. The Governance Course offers similar material at the beginning, but then moves towards governance (regulations etc.). Within the first …

Faster image creation in PyMOL: Shortcuts and Docker

Summary PyMOL command scripts are available natively and within Docker images. PyMOL Scripts PyMOL offers a very easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) to manipulate loaded molecule, and alter the appearance and coloring options. However, while …

No GUI PyMOL for high throughput images and optional Docker

Summary Computing a PNG image for each of 1,000 PDB file as a cartoon, color-coded by B factor. PyMOL without GUI PyMOL is routinely used by Biologists to illustrate molecules, using the graphical user interface …

Using Docker containers on Biochemistry Linux Cluster

Summary A short example on running software within a Docker container on a Linux cluster. Since the software is installed within the container no installation is necessary. The computation can be scaled to accommodate large …