Programming for Biology 2019 The famous Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory offers many courses, the course Programming for Biology 2019 was held in October 2019 and this specific course generously offers the course materials online on this …
Docker notes – Bypass entrypoint
When activated by docker run some docker container immediately start a software within. This can be useful for the author of the image, but for others it may cause issues. Here is one example amongst many, …
Docker notes – Remove stopped containers
As I am creating the docker tutorials “for biologists” I find that having some notes here could be useful. This is therefore a bit like a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that I answer to myself …
Preparing Docker tutorials for biologists
Docker Containers I don’t remember how exactly I discovered Docker containers a bit over a year ago, but it seemed a very good system and I immediately saw the potential, then I thought that it …
R Workshops on Campus – Fall 2019
R Workshops on Campus R is both a language and a softwware environment for statistical computing and graphics. R can be used through the amazing RStudio interface for even more performance, ease and Reproducible Research. …
Principios de Virología books are online
A small chapter At the turn of the Century (from XX to XXI) I was invited to write a small chapter on the visualization of virus structure for a book that would be published in …
33 years at UW-Madison
Blog series This June 2019 marked my 33 years at UW-Madison when I joined Prof. Paul Kaesberg‘s lab as a PostDoc to learn the then new methods of “cloning and sequencing” (i.e. Sanger sequencing.) In …
PyMOL tutorial books released
Summary: The Biochem 660 PyMOL tutorial book has been split in 4 PDFs for easier read and download: Book 1: Molecular Graphics Essentials (Summary of methods to obtain 3D data; file formats) Book 2: PyMOL …