Summary Part 1: A general overview of the dplyr package for data exploration and manipulation to summarize or extract information. Part 2: Next post will provide worked examples. 1 Motivation The Biochemistry R Club is following …
Foundational concepts to understand AI: free online curricula
Summary Alignment Course is an online curriculum that provides materials in a useful order to learn fundamentals. The Governance Course offers similar material at the beginning, but then moves towards governance (regulations etc.). Within the first …
Install Local Docker Desktop on macOS without Admin
NOT FOR USE AT UW SYSTEMS Important note (oct 07, 2024): changes in the licensing of Docker Desktop has changed. It is no longer recommended to UW personnel to download Docker Desktop to install Docker. …
Interactive bioinformatics tutorials
Summary provides interactive tutorials for exploring bioinformatics command-line tools within a web browser. Bioinformatics When people ask “what is bioinformatics” I have to pause. When I named a computer “bioinformatics” at the dawn of …
R and Python workshops on Campus – Fall 2023
Summary Workshop Series available on Campus on R and Python: Biochem SSCC UW Libraries R and Python at Biochem R and Python “Clubs” were established in late 2022. The Python Club is currently closed but …
PyCharm IDE installation without Admin
PyCharm IDE Installation Having “Admin privileges” on an educational or business computer is becoming a rarity, as security reasons are increasingly important. However, there are often way to install a software for “just one user” …
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology – 2022 proceedings
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology – in Madison The International Society for Computational Biology (ISMB) Conference held the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) in Madison in July 2022. Conference details are still available online, but …
Python Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
Python and Object-oriented programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of “objects“, which can contain data and code. The data is in the form of fields (often known as attributes …
Python and Object Programming AhAh moment
Summary Clarifying Python code containing the mysterious “dot notation” of object-oriented languages. An object is a combination of data stored within a specific class. A class is a blue-print (or framework) that defines attributes (containing …
Using Python within RStudio
Summary Finding and implementing settings in RStudio to use Pyhon. RStudio and Python RStudio can handle a large number of languages (> 50) in addition to its basic support of R. (This month the RStudio …