Software Carpentry

Carpentries logos

The Carpentries

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a Platinum Member Organization of the THE CARPENTRIES that comprise 3 communities: the Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry.

There is a lot of enthusiasm around the Caprentries at UW Madison as reported by this carpentry blog by UW-Madison Lauren Michael, now Lead Research Computational Facilitator at CHTC, the Center for High Throughput Computing:

The Community of Carpentry Enthusiasts at the University of Wisconsin

There are now a number of workshops regularly offered on the UW Campus locally organized by the Data Science Institute, listed under their training resources or workshops.

Free, open access resources

All workshop materials are open access and freely available for all and accessible online.

Upcoming Carpentries workshops for summer 2022 at UW-Madison are listed below. These are currently planned to be in person.

Summer Workshops

See more details on their Workshops page.

Biochemistry offerings

I am a certified Carpentries Instructor and the Carpentries materials could easily be used as another source of workshop materials for future offerings.