DNAStar – ArrayStar


DNASTAR, Inc. is a global software company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin USA providing comprehensive software that covers the most popular life science workflows and can be run on an “off-the-shelf” laptop or desktop computer.


TUTORIAL 1 – DNAStar/ArrayStar: analysis of public datasets

(last update: 2014)

This tutorial is a “legacy” tutorial with microarray data but provides an introduction to ArrayStar a software that is also used in Next Gen. Sequencing analysis.

Example with microarray data GSE27973 (public dataset; Proud et al. 2012)


  • Slides hand out: PDFPPTX
  • Hands-on Tutorial: PDF


  • Proud D, Hudy MH, Wiehler S, Zaheer RS, Amin MA, Pelikan JB, Tacon CE, Tonsaker TO, Walker BL, Kooi C, Traves SL, Leigh R. “Cigarette smoke modulates expression of human rhinovirus-induced airway epithelial host defense genes.” PLoS One 2012;7(7):e40762. PMID: 22808255. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040762