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Becoming a Data Scientist

If you are interested to become a data scientist, the following free resources and books would be very helpful.

Free books using R

These and other books aan be accessed for free on bookdown.org

Cover of free books on R

(Note: bookdown is the software used to edit them.)

Free books on using Python

Cover of free python books

Free books on statistics and machine learning

Covers of free books, statistics and machine learning

This list is derived from a LinkedIn post. Some links have been modified to go directly to the content.

โ€ข Mathematics for Machine Learning: https://mml-book.github.io/
โ€ข Introduction to Modern Statistics: https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/
โ€ข An Introduction to Statistical Learning: https://www.statlearning.com/
โ€ข Dive into Deep Learning: https://d2l.ai/index.html
โ€ข Forecasting – Principles and Practice: https://otexts.com/fpp3/


Book covers are from listed materials. For information only.